Suresh Kurumbanshi1 and Dr. Shubhangi Rathkanthiwar 2
1Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Y.C.C.E, Nagpur,
2Department of Electronics Engineering, Y.C.C.E, Nagpur, Maharashtra-India
In Adhoc Network, prime issues which affects the deployment, design and performance of an AdhocWireless System are Routing, MAC Scheme, TCP, Multicasting, Energy management, Pricing Scheme & self-organization, Security & Deployment consideration. Routing protocols are designed in such a way that it should have improvement of throughput and minimum loss of packets. Another aspect is efficient management of energy and the requirement of protracted connectivity of the network. The routing algorithm designed for this network should monitor the energy of the node and route the packet accordingly. Adhoc Network in general has many limitations such as bandwidth, memory and computational power. In Adhoc Network there are frequent path break due to mobility. Also time synchronization is difficult & consumes more Bandwidth. Bandwidth reservations requires complex Medium Access Control protocol. In this field the work of quantitative and qualitative metrics analysis has been done. The analysis of protocol performance for improving the capacity of adhoc network using probabilistic approaches of the network is yet to be proposed. Our probabilistic approach will cover analysis of various computational parameters for different mobility structures. In our proposed method we have distributed mobile nodes using Pareto distribution & formulated various energy models usingregression statistic
Manet, Seed, Pareto, Regression.